
love stories

I really couldn’t have less interest in this year’s big “romantic” film, 50 Shades of Grey. Creep city. What was the last really innovative love story? Amelie? … which isn’t really a love story, since they barely even meet at the end. It’s more of a character study, and a totally endearing one, but really not a love story.

Anyway, it’s nearly Valentine’s Day, so here I present my favorite oddball and under the radar love stories. Some are relatively minor subplots that I find particularly poignant. Some are unrequited. And even among the reciprocal love stories, they don’t all have happy endings because the story doesn’t really end at the onset, does it? But they are all great.

A Little Romance

Rocket Science


Starter for 10

Say Anything


Valley Girl

Gregory's Girl

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

Benny & Joon

Mozart and the Whale

Harold and Maude

Sex, Lies, and Videotape

L.A. Story

Only Lovers Left Alive


Over the Edge
(possibly the best film ever made)

Starter for 10 may have a cult following of one person, me. But Benedict Cumberbatch is in it, so someone else is bound to figure it out.

And I may be the only person on earth who thinks Buckaroo Banzai is primarily a love story. Everyone who writes about it seems to think the plot is ridiculous or incomprehensible.

But I stand by it!

(edit) –
I really should have mentioned these two, even though Sixteen Candles concludes absurdly and the "love" story is possibly the least interesting thing about it ...

Some Kind of Wonderful

Sixteen Candles

And also The Princess Bride and Enchanted, which are so utterly ludicrous and perfect they belong in a category of their own.


  1. I just love that you included Valley Girl. "No one is gonna tell me who I can score with! Now I want this chick, she wants me, so fuck it, we're goin' back."

  2. "I know what it is.
    I know what this is.
    It's your fucking friends, right?
    Shit, Julie, what is this?
    It's between you and me...
    not between the rest of the fucking world.
    So fuck off!
    It's your friends.
    Fuck you!
    Fuck off, for sure! Like, totally!"

  3. I didn't make this, but I might as well have:


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